Raspberry pisco sour cocktail | Healthy Diet

Raspberry pisco sour cocktail

Struggling to find healthy cocktails for the festive season? Try this raspberry pisco sour!

See the recipe below.

Healthy Diet

By Healthy Diet

Serves: 1
cals 128


  • 25ml lemon juice
  • 25ml sweetener ’syrup’
  • 50ml Pisco (this recipe also works with tequila or cachaca – or even just Bacardi)
  • 15ml Aquafaba (for vegetarian/vegan) or 1 egg white, optional (it adds thickness to the cocktail rather than flavour)
  • 5 fresh raspberries, plus an extra one to decorate (or decorate with a few dried raspberry pieces)


  1. To make the sugar syrup, mix 50g of aspartame sweetener, such as Canderel, with 500ml cold water and stir to dissolve.
  2. Shake all the ingredients hard with ice and strain into a martini glass.
  3. Garnish with the fresh or dried raspberry.

This raspberry pisco sour recipe was provided by the British Soft Drinks Association.

For more festive recipes, take a look here!

Nutrition: per serving



Saturated Fat


